Many years ago I had the pleasure and the honor of meeting Pope Francis I, it was a short and intense meeting during which it strangely looked as if he was the one to be embarrassed, I’ll tell you in full details.
I go to church in Santa Caterina in Modena and two years ago, during the first months of his Pontificate, I met Pope Francis I. His Pontificate certainly began upward, a Pope (Benedict XVI) abdicating was something new for all the church, because they did not know how that would have been handled, under the legal aspect too. But Bergoglio was given full power by Ratzinger, who was a lover of the church. Francescoʼs Pontificate had then to face thorny problems right away, such as church scandals and other matters. But Bergoglio put at the heart of his Pontificate the purity of the church, who must be pure and chaste and willing to celebrate the marriage of the Lamb. God has always known that His bride was not as he had predicted, but at this point, in the face of so much Love from The Loved, church must tend to be as pure as The Father wants it to be. That is the Trinityʼs goal.
The meeting with the Pope was extraordinary, we were under the colonnade in San Pietro and went there at eight in the morning, it was in March, so it did was cool outside, but that were the rules, so never mind. He arrived in the popemobile and went straight to the altar in the churchyard, I think it was a deacon who read a reading and he gave the Apostolic Exortation. Once the ceremony was over, he came to us disabled and greeted us one by one. There were rather embarrassing situations, people crying, for Godness sake the emotion is great, but faith is joy, if The Father had come, what would have happened? When he came to me, I saw a simple man, as reported by Moses in Genesis 1, neither of us knew what to say, at a certain point we started laughing a bit then he put his hands on my face, reminding me of what the priest does during Confirmation, and he blessed me.
Thatʼs the church as The Father wants it to be and Bergoglio is epitomizing it completely.